Sunday, October 5, 2014

Now reporting live from Burbank, CA...

I've been living in Burbank now for 8 weeks. I have a job which I have been in for 7 weeks.

The day before I left Jamaica, someone from the Burbank school district HR office emailed me and said that they had another job opening that I should interview for. The moment my plane touched down in Dallas I called the lady and she said, "I hope you're in Burbank because the interviews are tomorrow." I was still a 3-day car drive away from Burbank. Oh well, maybe the principal won't like any of the candidates... 

Nothing moved inside!! It's incredible! Pictured: childhood friend Megan, new friend Amanda

Mom and I packed up my stuff and drove out to California. Funny how easy that sentence was to write. We took turns driving the 10 foot U-Haul truck and my car. It took 3 days. On day 3, the Burbank HR lady called me and said, "The interviews have been postponed!" I said, "Awesome!" I interviewed 2 days later, and was offered the position 2 days after that. Hallelujah!! I was on cloud nine! After a whirlwind summer of packing up, living with other people, job hunting, interviewing, international travel, and cross-country travel, a miracle happened and I felt like I had solid ground under me. I believe that God granted me favor with the HR lady and the principal and teachers that interviewed me.

I'm teaching a class of seven special needs kids who are in grades kinder through 2nd. They are great kids and I really enjoy working with them. They are of course very diverse in their abilities, which is the challenge that I really enjoy tackling. The aides in my classroom are wonderful too. They love the kids and are eager to take suggestions and help me with things. 

I'm involved with a church called Soma, which is unique because of it's focus on what they call missional communities. These are the heart of the church. My missional community really feels like a family. They were praying for me before I arrived and prayed me through the whole process of getting a job and settling in to things. 

So there you have it. Goodbye from sunny Burbank.


Unknown said...

Love it. I'm so thankful for all The Lord is doing! And I'm so glad you're here.

Raye Anne said...

Miss you but was happy to see how well you are doing God did answer all your prayers. Have a blessed year. Keep in touch. Lorna

Unknown said...

This is SO AWESOME to hear, Rachel! I'm so happy for you that your life is now full of purpose and spiritual fellowship. I know God will do great things in & through you there. We miss you here! Bob arrives tomorrow with Shani & we're so excited to have a daughter for a few months. Keep us posted on your life. You are in our prayers!
Love, Barb