The day before I left Jamaica, someone from the Burbank school district HR office emailed me and said that they had another job opening that I should interview for. The moment my plane touched down in Dallas I called the lady and she said, "I hope you're in Burbank because the interviews are tomorrow." I was still a 3-day car drive away from Burbank. Oh well, maybe the principal won't like any of the candidates...
Mom and I packed up my stuff and drove out to California. Funny how easy that sentence was to write. We took turns driving the 10 foot U-Haul truck and my car. It took 3 days. On day 3, the Burbank HR lady called me and said, "The interviews have been postponed!" I said, "Awesome!" I interviewed 2 days later, and was offered the position 2 days after that. Hallelujah!! I was on cloud nine! After a whirlwind summer of packing up, living with other people, job hunting, interviewing, international travel, and cross-country travel, a miracle happened and I felt like I had solid ground under me. I believe that God granted me favor with the HR lady and the principal and teachers that interviewed me.
I'm teaching a class of seven special needs kids who are in grades kinder through 2nd. They are great kids and I really enjoy working with them. They are of course very diverse in their abilities, which is the challenge that I really enjoy tackling. The aides in my classroom are wonderful too. They love the kids and are eager to take suggestions and help me with things.
I'm involved with a church called Soma, which is unique because of it's focus on what they call missional communities. These are the heart of the church. My missional community really feels like a family. They were praying for me before I arrived and prayed me through the whole process of getting a job and settling in to things.
So there you have it. Goodbye from sunny Burbank.