Sunday, August 19, 2012

Embarking on a new school year

I’m going to be teaching PPCD Kinder this year. I’m excited, but also nervous. First time on my own. It should be good. We’ve already started with inservice/training/staff development/etc. Our school is going through the “7 Habits of Highly Effective People” training. Pretty good, I must say.

The ones we’ve covered so far…

Habit 1: Be proactive.

Habit 2:  Put First Things First - OR - Figure out what you really care about.

Habit 3: Start with the End in Mind.

Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw - OR - Be nice to yourself, because you only have one of you.

I may have the actual habits mixed up or not worded right. I could google it, but why would I do that when I accept myself the way I am, flaws and bad memory and all?

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