Saturday, October 12, 2013

Project: needle-lace skeleton leaf

I love intricate things like this so I had to make it.

From one side.

From the other.

Yes, it's small.

Now what shall I do with it? It would be better if it had some companions, but it took about 2 hours to make this one.

I originally saw this project here which has great step-by-step instructions and pictures. 

Project: cut-out lamp reborn

My friend originally created this lampshade for an abuse healing art workshop. Before the workshop she pasted children's songs onto it to represent the innocence of childhood. She then drew 'hung' hangman games with words such as "rape," "neglect," and things like that. During the workshop, I cut out the hung-men and decorated the spaces in different ways which represent sort-of earth or life elements. Now it's hanging up with a clump of Christmas lights depending from it.



Plant: upper left, Snow: lower right.

Earth: on the right

Project: Record Crate


Project: Crane Mobile

Made of cranes that were supPOSed to be used as decoration and favors during my brother's wedding rehearsal dinner. But let's not talk about that.

Blue and gold were the theme colors.
Where it hangs now.

Detail on one crane.