Hey friends,
I got officially accepted to GIAL! Ok, I guess I need to back up. I applied to the Graduate Institute of Applied Linguistics. It is a school in Dallas, TX that is associated with SIL and Wycliffe Bible Translators. I applied for the certificate program which can be done in either 5 or 10 months. I would be studying grammar, phonetics, phonology, second language acquisition, and all that other good stuff.
I was planning on going in July and doing it in 10 months. However, I may not be able to go in July for financial reasons. If not, I can save up money and go in January and do it in 5 months. So, either way, I would finish in May ‘08. So that’s a good thing. Please pray for wisdom […and money…] for that decision.
Another complication to that was that my hours at my job got drastically cut back last week. I only worked 2 days last week. But yesterday I got another job! Praise God!
That’s it for now. Thanks for praying.