Saturday, January 26, 2008

Haiku of the Day - Jan 26, 08

The Day of Bat Zion Prophesies & Dancing, Ruthie’s Curry, and the Foursome Homework Session

i rise triumphant?
who knows what the Spirit does?
khub shaad hobeto

Friday, January 25, 2008

Haiku of the Day - Jan 25, 08

The Day that Classes Should Have Been Delayed Because of Ice But Weren’t, Again for the 10,000th Time I Looked For a Job, Talked to Lynn Landweer and Ate Great-Granny’s Hot Chocolate Pudding

music is candy
the prophesied exhaustion
amazing party

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Haiku of the Day - Jan 24, 08

The Day I had 4 Class Sessions Instead of 2, Unseth’s Bible Study, Enlightenment About Sign Language by Man Di and the First Day I Didn’t Finish My Homework

minimal pairs rock
especially with non-manuals
hope for ice at 1:00

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Haiku of the Day - Jan 23, 08

The Day I Talked to A Wycliffe Recruiter, Read Ruthie her Homework, and It Was Cold

nothing out-standing
except that same old same is
better than it was

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Haiku of the Day - Jan 22, 08

The Day of Pangasinan in the Computer Lab, Bengali in Grammar Class and Heath Ledger’s Death

cold jog is warm heart
i need more sufjan and to
quit you as usual

Thursday, January 3, 2008

"A Chance to Die"

Biography of missionary Amy Carmichael

Author: Elisabeth Elliot
Publisher: Revell
Rating: Good read  (See ratings guide)

This book is about the life of Amy Carmichael, a missionary to India around the 1890’s to 1940’s. This is a very thorough and pretty well written biography of her life. However, my complaint with most biographies stands true with this one as well. The author tends to paint her character in such glowing terms that you would think she was a perfect angel. But I noticed some bad (human) qualities in her. There’s a lot you can learn from her life IF you address the bad and comment on it.